Liquidity Aggregation Infrastructure
Quantave simplifies access to liquidity in the digital assets market for professional market participants by providing a robust and secure infrastructure for managing the complete trade-lifecycle.
Non-Custodial Liquidity Bridge
Quantave’s DMA and post-trade settlement infrastructure is specifically designed to enable professional market participants to seamlessly interface with the burgeoning Digital Assets market through a single gateway.
Our suite of connectivity, aggregation, execution and post-trade settlement solutions interconnect end-users with existing liquidity venues and independent asset intermediaries.
Mitigated Risk
This unique service consolidates liquidity from exchange and off-exchange sources and provides a robust DVP process to mitigate settlement risk.
Capital Efficiency
Quantave's infrastructure greatly improves trading efficiencies by enabling execution across multiple liquidity venues from a single pool of capital.
Key Features
Unified Liquidity Gateway
Multi-venue execution
Liquidity aggregation
Block trade execution
Consolidated trading GUI
Direct FIX Connectivity
Dedicated Intermediary Functions
Direct intermediary relationships
EU Regulated cash counterpart
Multi-tiered digital asset custody architecture
Regulated digital asset transaction notary
Dedicated independent digital asset custody
Trade Lifecycle Management
Direct Market Access
Aggregation & netting optimisation
Daily DVP settlement finality
Reconciliation & reporting
Digital asset vault delivery management
Find out more
If you’re an institutional investor or trader exploring opportunities in the digital assets market, our experienced team is here to help guide you.
We have recently started our closed beta testing phase with our initial partners.
Please complete this form if you would like to learn more or join our beta testing programme in the coming months.
Please note: This service is only available to institutional-tier customers.
We are unable to engage with retail users at this time.